Thursday, January 17, 2013

Meet Your MadWorld 2013 Presenters: Ellis Pratt - MadCap Software


MadWorld 2013 is almost upon us! What is MadWorld, you ask? Only the most fun and informative technical communication conference you?ll ever attend, that?s what.

Join the MadCap team, industry thought leaders and your peers at the Hard Rock Hotel San Diego from April 7-9 2013 and stuff your brain with more skills, ideas, and best practices than you can handle. ?Oh, and did someone say ?networking?? ?Cause there will be plenty of opportunities for that.

Let?s get to know one of our rock star presenters:

EllisPrattEllis Pratt is Director and Help Strategist at Cherryleaf, a technical writing services and training company based near London, in the United Kingdom. He has over fifteen years? experience working in the field of documentation, has a BA in Business Studies, and is an Associate of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Ranked the most influential blogger on technical communication in Europe, Ellis is also an author and editor of two books: ?How to Write Instructions? and ?Trends in Technical Communication.?

Tell us a little bit about your sessions: I?ll be doing two sessions. One is on tablets. We?ll explore whether they remove some of the traditional limitations associated with delivering content online. We?ll also explore whether they introduce some new limitations.

The other is on flow-based User Assistance. We?ll be looking at the issues around how online Help is normally delivered ? that people normally get stuck, have to stop what they are doing and read the user documentation ? and ask if there are better ways to deliver User Assistance.?Some developers believe they can design away the need for documentation, that it?s a sign of failure, and this presentation seeks to challenge these beliefs and look at how we can get the best ROI from User Assistance.?I proposed this?presentation?as I was curious to know the answer myself! I?ll talk about flow in the sense that most people understand the word, and about ?Flow?,?which is a concept from psychology that is used in e-learning.

Besides coming to see your spectacular sessions, why should someone attend MadWorld? There?s a great lineup of speakers. Matthew Ellison, Tony Self and Dave Gash will entertain and educate in their presentations. Sarah O?Keefe, Tom Johnson, Mike Hamilton and Neil Perlin are extremely knowledgeable. They are the ones with the ?grazed knees?, at the bleeding edge.?I haven?t heard the other speakers before, but I know many of them by reputation.

Excluding your session, which MadWorld session are you most interested in attending? I?ve not heard Scott DeLoach speak before, so I?d be interested in his presentations.

In your humble opinion, what?s the coolest thing about MadCap Software? There is a focus to the company. It began with a ?clean sheet of paper? and looked at what a modern authoring tool needed to do.

What makes you most excited about visiting San Diego? It seems an age away (even though it?s not), and I?ve not given that much thought. Just to have some sun on my back will be nice. I like walking around cities, visiting the museums, so it?s likely I?ll do that. The USA is a different country, so the little things like seeing people put cheese on everything is a new experience for me.

If someone really enjoyed your session and wants to buy you a drink at MadWorld Happy Hour, what cocktail should they order??It?s years and years since I?ve drunk a cocktail, so I don?t know. I usually drive, which means I drink rarely, and then it tends to be beer rather than spirits. I?ll be seeing if there are any nice cocktails that have contain vodka in them.

Is there anything else you?d like to add? Congratulations on putting on this conference. People don?t realise how much effort goes on behind the scenes to put something together like this.

Ellis?s Blog

Ellis on Twitter

Ellis on LinkedIn

Ellis on Google+

Space at MadWorld is limited, so register now!

About Jennifer White

Jennifer, a MadCap Product Evangelist, is experienced in writing, broadcasting, public speaking, marketing, and social media management.


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