Monday, December 17, 2012

Daily PR or Formal PR | Business 2 Community

Public Relations 2013I really believe that Public Relations (PR) is changing and it?s changing in a big way.


Every day, companies are trying to establish some type of PR. Company blogs are a great way of communicating with readers and keeping them informed of company happenings and information affecting them. Creating news for your company is very important and it helps companies maintain a presence in the following areas:

  1. Search World ? Google, Internet Searches
  2. Talk/News World ? Staying on top of topics affecting a company and its clients
  3. Local ? Local presence is always a good way to stay connected
  4. National ? Reaching new users in a big way
  5. Advocacy -Keeping your online friends and advocates aware of what is happening at your company.


Formal PR is always nice for those company news events that warrant a little more attention or help people know an extra, special something about the work your company is doing to help with a community endeavor. Formal PR works nicely in areas similar to the daily mentioned above, but it takes it to a whole new level and should be managed for those special times and events and not an everyday occurrence. This didn?t used to be the case a few years ago, but for me I think the rules have changed.

I have actually outsourced my formal PR on those special occasions to make sure the message reaches the proper media channels that I want to target. I have also found that some companies are very good at this type of work.


As far as a preference, I really like both forms of PR. They really compliment each other. PR really is all about communication and the communication is all about transparency and connecting. The only way to effectively do this is to make it a prioritize everyday. For me blogging and social media platforms are the way to go. The days are over that companies only have to connect through formal PR. Thankfully, people are also seeing this and are connecting with companies more frequently. It?s an interesting shift, but if you are willing to change, you will see a dramatic response with respect to both approaches.

photo credit: Ars Electronica via photopin cc


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